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REDD Training MNRT

Name of Client : UNDP/UNREDD, FBD

Consultants: Dr. Dos Santos Silayo, Prof. PTK Munishi, Dr. Adam BS Mwakalobo and Mr. Deo Shirima 
In Collaboration with Camco Advisory Services (T) Ltd

Detailed Narrative Description of Project:
The main objectives of the assignment were (i) to provide the MNRT, Forestry and Beekeeping Division (FBD) and Tanzania Forest Service (TFS) with a better understanding of climate change, the role of the REDD + with regards to climate change and, in particular, the National Framework for REDD and the National REDD Strategy. (ii) to analyze and review of institutional arrangement for REDD+ Implementation within MNRT, FBD and TFS

Detailed Description of Actual Services Provided by your Staff:
Development of training manual
Conducting of training to MNRT, FBD, TFS and District Forest Officers
Analysis of institutional roles and responsibilities
Analysis of institutional capabilities for REDD+ implementation

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