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Our Experience

FORCONSULT has since her establishment Commissioned about 200 consultancy assignments and has organized and conducted seminars, conferences, workshops, short courses and preparation of relevant proceedings. In all these assignments FORCONSULT has always delivered to the satisfaction of the clients. Some of the client that the unity has worked with include, The Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism and her Administrative Divisions and Agencies, Forest and Beekeeping Division (FBD), Wildlife Division (WD), Tanzania National Parks (TANAPA), Tanzania Forest Service (TFS) and the Tanzania Forest Research Institute (TAFORI). Other clients include the Division of Environment in the Vice Presidents Office, Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar, National Environmental Council of Tanzania (NEMC), Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security and many other ministries and local authorities.

The unit has a track record with other clients as well including The World Bank (WB), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), UNEP, UNDP, NORAD, FINNIDA, DANIDA, DFID, ICRAF, WWF, IUCN, SIDA, USAID, JICA, UNREDD, GTZ, Eastern Arc Mountain Conservation Endowment Fund (EAMCEF), World Resource Institute (WRI), INDUFOR-Finland, SADC, ILO, Global Environmental Facility (GEF), UNICEF, CARE and European Union (EU) to mention a few.

Some of the ongoing and accomplished assignments include


  1. Land Use Analysis for the Kilimanjaro ecosystem, SOLIDARIDAD, December 2019 – 

  2. Development of a Guide to Decision Makers on Natural Resources Management, BTC, October 2019 – 

  3. Development of the curriculum for mainstreaming forest products and value chain, FORVAC, August 2019 – 

  4. Assessing the Effect of Forest Plantation on Biological Diversity, Water Resource, and Soil Health in Ukaguru Mountain Forest located at Gairo District, Morogoro Region, TaFF, September – December 2019

  5. Soil Health Analysis in the First and Second Rotations of Exotic Tree Species in Sao Hill Forest Plantation, Mufindi District, Tanzania, TaFF 2019-

  6. A plant metal updates and biodiversity assessment study of Bulyanhulu gold mine limited in Kahama, BULYANKULU GOLDMINE, April – December 2019

  7. To develop a restoration program on protected areas connectivity using pioneer tree species and high value crops in the east usambara landscape Tanzania, WWF, August – December 2019

  8. Terminal Evaluation of Strategic Planning II of Tanzania Forest Services Agency, TFS, September – November 2019

  9. Establishment of Radio and Mobile Extension Services, VPO, 2017-2019

  10. Ecosystem Services Wetlands Nile, Stichting IHE Delft Institute for Water Education (IHE Delft): 2018-2019

  11. A Simplified Environmental Impact Assessment on the operations of TAHA-Sida Project, TAHA: 2018

  12. Capacity Building to Smallholder Tree Growers on Potential of Forest Certification to Enhance Sustainable Forest Management in Mufindi District, Iringa Region Assignment, Tanzania Forest Fund: 2018-

  13. A socio-Environmental Impact Assessment on the TAPA OFSP Farm-Kifaru, Mwanga District, TAHA: 2018 –

  14. How fast does the speciation clock tick in selfing versus outcrossing lineages? University of Oslo, 2018

  15. Soil survey at Mtibwa area proposed site for new sugar factory investment, the Sugar Board of Tanzania:2018

  16. Soil and Fertilizer Analysis : Alliacne One Tobacco Tanzania – Tabora: 2018

  17. Ruvu river sub-basin environmental flow assessment, Wami/Ruvu Basin Water Board: 2018

  18. Provision of consultancy services for undertaking survey of Intertidal environment at songo songo island gas processing Plant, kilwa tanzania, SONGAS: 2018-

  19. Establishment of village land forest reserves and threats reduction for biodiversity conservation in ludewa forests, tanzania, CEPF: 2018-

  20. Developing Baseline Information for Promoting Bamboo Plantations Establishment in Southern Highland Zone of Tanzania assignment, Tanzania Forest Fund: 2018-

  21. Development Integrated Landscape Curriculum, SOLIDARIDAD: 2018-

  22. Carrying out the study on detaited environmental flow assessttent for Zigi catchment, Pangani Basin Water Board: 2017-2018

  23. Research and Learning for Sustainable Intensification of Smallholder Livestock Value chain in Burkina Faso, Ethiopia and Tanzania, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI): 2017-

  24. Baseline Surveys in 8 Nature Reserves and 1 National Park in the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania: 2017

  25. Midterm evaluation of tanzania forest services agency, TFS: 2017

  26. Biodiversity conservation and wetland management in Kilombero valley Ramsar Site, AMBERO: 2017

  27. Feasibility study on development of ecotourism initiatives for the loondoluo village, Pastroral Women Council (PWC): 2017

  28. Development of Sarian Community Forest Reserve Management Plan 2017-2022, Frankfurt Zoological Society: 2017

  29. Development of wma resource zone management plan 2016 – 2021, SOLIDARIDAD, 2017

  30. Development of Integrated fire management plan, Forestry Development Trust (FDT): 2017

  31. Empowering Communities through training on Participatory Forest Management, REDD+ and Climate change initiatives, the Royal Norwegian Government: 2013-2017

  32. Development and implementation of radio and mobile based extension services using local radio stations, VPO: 2016 –

  33. Forest inventory and development of harvesting planning for Nakambega Village Land Forest Reserve, NamatunuVilage, Lindi Tanzania, EAMCEF: 2015

  34. SADC REDD+ Training Institute, The Southern African Development Community/ Deutsche Gesellschaftfür Inter. Zusammenarbeit (GIZ): 2014-2015

  35. Assessment of the Potentials, limitations & impacts of Biomass Energy in Tanzania, Forestry And Beekeeping Division: 2014

  36. Environmental and Social Safeguards of REDD+ Linking to Scenario of Land and Climate Change in the Tanzania, WWF, Tanzania Country Office: 2014

  37. Institutional Capacity Building Needs Assessment (CBNA) for District and NGO staff, RNE Through ECOPRC Project in FTI Olmotonyi: 2013-2014

  38. Training Needs Assessment at District, NGOs and Local Levels for Sustainable Implementation and Management of PFM, REDD+ and Climate Change Initiatives in Tanzania, RNE Through ECOPRC Project in FTI Olmotonyi: 2013-2014

  39. Third party flora and Fauna Survey of Tulawaka Gold Mine, Tulawaka Gold Mine: 2013

  40. Institutionalising REDD+ safeguards and trainings in Masito-Ugalla ecosystem, Kigoma, Tanzania, The Jane Goodall Institute (JGI), Tanzania:2013

  41. Baseline Surveys in 8 Nature Reserves and 1 National Park in the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania, EAMCEF:2012

  42. Soil sampling analysis program in tobacco growing areas, Association of Tanzania, Tobacco Traders: 2012

  43. Capacity Needs Assessment of Government Institutions for the Establishment and Management of a REDD+ scheme in Tanzania, UNDP: 2012

  44. Collection of REDD related literature and land use information in Tanzania, FAO, FBD:2012

  45. Buzwagi Gold Mine Area-Kahama District, Barrick/Pangea Gold Mine Ltd: 2011 –2012

  46. Flora and Fauna Survey at Tulawaka Gold Mine, Kahama District, Tulawaka Gold Mine: 2012

  47. Bird Fauna Survey at Buzwagi Gold Mine, Barrick/Pangea Gold Mine Ltd :2011

  48. Flora and Fauna Survey at Geita Gold Mine, Geita Building Needs, Geita Gold Mine: 2011

  49. Preparing and Delivering Training on REDD for the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism (MNRT) and Providing Advice on Further Institutional and Capacity Building Needs, UNDP/UNREDD, FBD:2011

  50. In-depth study on Existing REDD Related Carbon Trade and Marketing Opportunities in Tanzania, National REDD+ Secretariat: 2009-2010

  51. To undertake an in-depth analysis of the existing trust funds in Brazil and South Africa, REDD Secretariat: 2009-2010

  52. Training Needs Assessment and Preparation of Training Programme for TANAPA, Tanzania National Parks (TANAPA) : 2009 – 2010

  53. Forest Condition, Threats and Management Effectiveness Assessment in the Eastern Arc Mountain Forest, UNDP and MNRT (Forestry and Beekeeping Division ): 2009-2010

  54. Managing the Eastern Arc Mountain Forests for Carbon Credits and Emission Trading, Eastern Arc Mountain Forests Endowment Fund: 2009

  55. Measuring and Valuing the Carbon Stocks in Uluguru and Chome Nature Reserves, Eastern Arc Mountains, UNDP and MNRT (Forestry and Beekeeping Division ): 2009-2010

  56. Assessment of Forest Management Practices that are Suitable for Implementation of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) Schemes: 2007

  57. Flora and Fauna Survey at Buzwagi Gold Mine, Kahama District, Barrick/Pangea Gold Mine Ltd: 2007

  58. Annual Third Party Fauna Survey at Tulawaka Gold Mine, Barrick/Pangea Gold Mine Ltd: 2006

  59. Development of extension material and Concession Arrangement Action Plan for Implementation of National Awareness Campaign on Participatory Forest Management (PFM) and Private Sector Involvement (PSI) in Forest Management in Tanzania. – Client – Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, Forestry and Beekeeping Division Dar es Salaam: 2006

  60. Valuation of the FBD Forest Assets in 14 Regions of Tanzania. World Bank/FBD Tanzania Forest Conservation and Management Project: 2005

  61. Preparation of the Wetlands Management Strategy for the Wildlife Division, Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism: 2005

  62. Forest Condition and Quality Assessment. Disturbance, Threat Reduction Assessment and Management Effectiveness Assessment for the Eastern Arc Mountains Forests. UNDP – Eastern Arc Forests Conservation and Management Program: 2005

  63. Forest Area Mapping and Verification. UNDP – Eastern Arc Forests Conservation and Management Program: 2005

  64. Inventory of Forest Resources in 11 Districts of Tanzania, World Bank /FBD Tanzania Forest Conservation  and Management Project under MNRT:2005

  65. Methods of Wetland Inventory in Tanzania. Preparation and Compilation of the Status Report for Tanzania on Wetland Inventory, Assessment and Monitoring Methodologies. IUCN, Southern African Region, Zimbabwe: 2004

  66. National Training Programme for Sustainable Forest and Beekeeping Management, Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism: 2003

  67. Participatory Forest Management (PFM) in Tanzania: District Baseline Studies (NFP-PFM Component) MNRT, Dar es Salaam: 2003

  68. Economic Valuation of the Catchment Forests of Tanzania: 2003  

  69. Development of National Training Programme for Sustainable Forest and Beekeeping Management in Tanzania, Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism: 2003

  70. Collaborated on Preparing and Delivering Training on REDD for the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism (MNRT) and Provided Advice on Further Institutional and Capacity Building Needs

  71. National Training Programme for Sustainable Forest and Beekeeping Management

  72. Development of indicators and monitoring plans for monitoring wildlife management areas in Tanzania

  73. Lesotho Highlands Community Forestry Project (HCFP) Forestry Research Programme Design (Lesotho Government/CARE – Lesotho/European Union):1999

  74. Inventory of Miombo Woodland in Malawi using Permanent Sample Plots (European Union): 1999

  75. Evaluation of Extension Services in Mwanza and Shinyanga (FBD/FRMP, World Bank): 1998- 1999

  76. Training of Mangrove Forestry Staff in Participatory Forest Management (NORAD/FBD): 1998

  77. Managing the Eastern Arc Mountain Forests for Carbon Credits and Emission Trading

  78. Development of Yield Tables for Pinuspatula, Pinuselliotii and Eucalyptus species and Recommendations for Sustainable Harvesting Levels (allowable cut) for Sao Hill Forest Project (FBD/ORGUT):1997

  79. Land Management Programme (LAMP): Consultancy Report on Implementation of LAMP activities (ORGUT): 1997

  80. Law enforcement/agreements/protocols in Natural Resources in the SADC Region: Issue paper prepared for joint environment and land management/forestry/wildlife community building workshop held in Mbabane, Swaziland (SADC): 1997

  81. Preparation of the Issue Paper on “Law enforcement/ Agreements/ Protocols in Natural resources in the SADC Region”, The Southern African Development Community, Gaborone Botswana: 1997

  82. Evaluation of the East Usambara Catchment Project, Tanga (FBD/FINIDA):1997

  83. Short Course on Participatory Rural Appraisal (Forest Trees and People):1997

  84. Study of Community Based Forest Management for Makete (HIMA/Office of the Regional Commissioner): 1997

  85. Review of the Catchment Project for Ruvu Fuel Wood Pilot Project (FBD/DANIDA): 1996

  86. Tanzania: Coordinated Advocacy for biomass friendly governance of the energy sector in Tanzania Mandate 1: Potentials, limitations & impacts of Biomass Energy in Tanzania.

  87. Socio-economic Aspects of Tree Farming in Njombe District (HIMA/DANIDA):1996

  88. Evaluation of performance of HifadhiArdhiShinyanga (HASHI/ICRAF) Agroforestry Research Project in Shinyanga, Tanzania: 1996

  89. Forest Resources and Structural Adjustments in Tanzania. Center for Sustainable Development (CSD) AUN, Norway: 1993

  90. High Canopy Forest Management in Tanzania (WRI CONSULTANTS): 1994

  91. Hydrologic and Land Use/Cover Change Analysis for the Uluguru (Ruvu River Basin) and East Usambara (Sigi River Basin) Watersheds.

  92. Review of Key Documents For Establishment of Tanzania Forest Service, Forestry And Beekeeping Division –

  93. Quantitative Analysis of the Forestry Industry Sector in Tanzania. Centre for Sustainable Development (CSD), AUN, Norway: 1994

  94. Resource person 20th internordic course of forestry and forestry development in developing countries (NORDIC COUNCIL OF MINISTRIES/NORAD):1994

  95. The Training Programme for the Shinyanga Soil Conservation and Afforestation Programme (SHISCAP), Shinyanga, Tanzania. Sponsored by SHISCAP (A NORAD funded project):1994

  96. Update the Forest Cover Change Analysis of the Eastern Arc and Coastal Forest Region of East Africa

  97. Assignment on the Review of key documents for establishment of Tanzania Forest Service, TFS

  98. Backstopping Mission to the Dodoma Village Afforestation Project (DOVAP), Dodoma (DOVAP/SNV, DSM):1994

  99. Project Planning Workshop Resource Person – SADC Forestry Energy Workshop: 1994

  100. Established modalities of establishing and operationalising national REDD trust fund, and associated financial flow management

  101. Evaluation and Selection of Wetlands of International Importance in Tanzania per “Ramsar Convention Bureau” (National Environmental Management Council, Tanzania): 1993

  102. A proposal to establish an arboretum and Agroforestry demonstration area, Babati, Tanzania, 1994 (ORGUT/NORAGRIC): 1993